Main talk
TODO list

- PHP code -

Dir - dir.rar
Lists contents of current directory.

DirList - dirlist.rar
User is able to browse through allowed directories.

Board - board.rar
Simple message board where users can add messages. Messages are stored in text files. Has some disadvantages.

MySQL Board - sqlboard.rar
Simple message board where users can add messages. Messages are stored in MySql database table.
MySql required.

version 1 - bin.rar
version 2 - bin2004feb.rar
Script through which users can upload files to the server. For example see my trashbin

Reminders and Requests - rnr.rar
Little advanced message board, it can divide messages into threads. Requires PHP and SQL.
You can see example on my R'n'R.

- C++ code -

version 0.92 - 24 november 2009 -
version 0.9 - 23 july 2007 - unmass-0.9.tar.gz
Unmass is a game archive extractor. It is released with its source code under GNU GPL license.
You can also download a compiled version.
Archive contains:
- source code for mostly portable command-line program
- makefiles for linux compilers
- project files for KDevelop (linux)
- project files for MSVC++ 6.0 and additional source files for windows version of Unmass

How to use GtkGlExtmm with Visual Studio 9 2008 Express
Version 7 jun 2009 - gtkglextmm-vs9.txt, gtkglextmm_vs9libs.rar ( 2.4Mb ), gtkglextmm_vc9.rar ( 6kb )
I am working on a project using gtkmm with openGl window and I noticed that there is no information on how to use gtkglextmm on windows with Visual Studio and there is no binary package provided for it. So I decided to build it up and provide a information on this subject so it helps other developers. I was not able to find any information like this on internet, when I googled for it I found only questions on this and no answers.

Biturn Bitmap Lib (BBL)
version 17 nov 2004 - bbl_041117.rar
version 31 oct 2004 - bbl_041031.rar
BBL is code library which can be used for loading, saving and managing of bitmap data.
Currently reading and writing is supported for general use bitmap file formats: BMP, CEL, RGB (SGI), TGA, JPG, PPM, PSD, DDS (Direct X) and for game formats, : MMP (Etherlords), BLP (Warcraft 3), TEX (FF7), TXMP, TXMB (Oni), TIM (FF8), TEX (Viper Racing), Z80 (Speccy pictures), TEX (Mafia), RAW (Dungeon Siege). (not all of these support saving, and some might not work for some picture formats)

Library is programmed way it should be system/platform independent (although its not tested yet :). Currently there is compiled and released library for platforms:
- Win32 compiled on Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

WndSize class, for windows - WndSize.rar
this class is helpful for resizable windows, to make their child windows move when parent window changes size. For exaple see my program Unmass (in programs section) its buttons and controls move when window is resized.

ConvFile class - ConvFile.rar
CConvFile class for disk file or temporary memory file in-one manipulation. It is probably something like CFile and CMemFile from MFC, but this should be more portable.

Archives are compressed with Rar archiver.