FF7 texture description writen by mirex FF7 texture consists of header, palette(optional) and bitmap data. Usually data are stored like paletized picture, with bitmap pixels referencing to palette. Color 0 (in palette its usually black) is usually used as transparent color. Sometimes (im not sure if it is used in ff7 at all) when bit depth is 16 data are stored as packed rgb in style RGB555, which means 5 bits per color in one 2byte entery. -- Header, size is 236 bytes -- offset size type 0 56 ? unknown ? 56 4 bit depth (long) - can be 4, 8, 16 60 4 sizex (long) 64 4 sizey (long) 68 20 ? unknown ? 88 4 palette enteries count (long) 92 144 unknown -- palette follows, size is (palette enteries count * 4 ) -- Every 4 bytes from palette represent one color, BGRA - Blue Green Red Alpha, but im not sure about the alpha byte. Im using only the BGR part -- bitmap data, size is ( (sizex * sizey) if bit depth is 4 or 8, (sizex * sizey * 2) if bit depth is 16 ) -- if bit depth is 4 or 8, every byte of bitmap data is reference to palette color. if bit depth is 16, bitmap is composed from 16bit (2byte, short) values, which are RGB555 colours. my adress: mirex at centrum dot sk my web: http://mypage.sk